As African Swine Fever is a zoosanitary emergency that affects the world, the aim is to provide information to the countries of America and the Caribbean on this subject and generate a repository that contains official information available to the public.

The organization of the documents is based on the manual developed by the FAO, the GEMP, which is an organized preparation methodology to respond to emergencies in animal health, which collaborates with the improvement of the capacities of veterinary services and members of epidemiological surveillance networks in the prevention, detection, response and recovery of animal health emergencies

  • Notification and surveillance of transboundary diseases
  • Notificación y vigilancia en enfermedades transfronterizas
  • Standard Operating Manuals
  • Manuales de Operaciones Estandarizadas
  • Educación zoosanitaria para Enfermedades Transfronterizas.
  • Animal Health Education for Transboundary Diseases.
  • Crisis communication
  • Comunicación de Crisis
  • Risk communication on African Swine Fever (part III).
  • Comunicación de riesgo para la Peste Porcina Africana (parte III).