About us


 The Global Framework for the Progressive Control of Transboundary Animal Diseases (GF-FADs) program is a joint OMSA-FAO initiative that combines the strengths of both organizations in the fight against the most important transboundary animal diseases around the world.


The Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) is the specialized international agency for agriculture of the Inter-American System, with a mission to stimulate, promote and support the efforts of its 34 Member States in achieving agricultural development and rural well-being, through international technical cooperation of excellence.  


The mission of the Caribbean Agricultural Health and Food Safety Agency (CAFHSA) is to promote regional development in agricultural health and food safety, through the application of sanitary and phytosanitary measures that satisfy the expectations of all stakeholders and that contribute to the well-being of our citizens. 


The mission of the Caribbean Animal Health Network (CaribVet) is to improve animal and veterinary public health in the Region, by strengthening the capacity of stakeholders.


 Andean Community  - The mission of the General Secretariat of the Andean Community  (SGCAN) is to propose, administer and ensure compliance with mechanisms and measures to facilitate greater integration and mutual cooperation, with a view to driving socioeconomic development in the region that is more balanced, harmonious and sustainable, while promoting economic and social inclusion, intercultural relations, the ability of Andean citizens to exercise their rights, environmental protection and the strengthening of production and the wider market, in keeping with national and community interests.


The mission of the CVP (Permanent Veterinary Committee of the Southern Cone) is to coordinate actions and increase the capacity of the region to prevent, control and avoid the health impacts and risks affecting the production and sale of animals, products and byproducts of animal origin in the Region.


COPEG - The mission of the Panama-United States Commission for the Eradication and Prevention of Cattle Borer Worm is to undertake field surveillance through of a team of highly competent and committed professionals who safeguard human and animal health in the region.


FAO – The mandate of the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) is to improve nutrition, increase agricultural productivity, raise the standard of living in rural populations and contribute to global economic growth.


The mission and vision of the OMSA (World Organization for Animal Health) is leadership in global health governance. The OMSA is tasked with fostering the global commitment to improve animal health and well-being and veterinary public health throughout the world.  


The mission of OIRSA (The International Regional Organization of Plant and Animal) is to support the ministers and secretaries of Agriculture and Livestock of its Member States, in their efforts to develop animal and plant health plans, quarantine services and food safety, thereby contributing to the economic and social development of the population, through healthy, environmentally-friendly agricultural production and facilitating international trade.


The mission of the United States Department  of Agriculture (USDA) is to provide leadership on food, agriculture, natural resources, rural development, nutrition, and related issues based on sound public policy, the best available science, and efficient management.