Descripción del evento

Second webinar of the risk analysis webinar series. Presentation of a tool developed by CaribVET for the prevention of African Swine Fever (ASF) based on risk analysis.


Dr. María Irian Percedo-Abreu: Doctor in veterinary sciences, tenured investigator, she is director of the National Centre for Agricultural Health (CENSA), a collaborative center of the OIE for animal health disaster risk reduction. She has participated in control and prevention programs of endemic and emerging diseases, such as ASF when it affected Cuba in 1980, rabbit hemorrhagic disease and porcine transmissible gastroenteritis, as well as the re-emergence of CSF in 1993. She is director of the Training Center for the Reduction of Disasters in Animals and Plants, in the intersectoral multidisciplinary network affiliated to CENSA. She leads the national One Health network, and is member of the national expert risk analysis group and of the sectoral program for disaster reduction of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment. She participates in the CaribVET task forces in epidemiology and pig diseases.

Jordi Casal: Veterinarian, professor of the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona since 1984 and researcher in the IRTA from 2001 to 2021. He is a lecturer in epidemiology and health policy in the faculty of veterinary medicine, and a researcher in veterinary epidemiology. He has published over 100 articles on different aspects of disease transmission between and within herds, including risk analysis, and collaborated in the development of the tool during a stay in the CIRAD and later collaborated in its update.